داستان آبیدیک

correctional staff


1 علوم اجتماعی و جامعه شناسی:: کارکنان زندان

Prisons also have the obligation of training correctional staff and personnel to respect Native American customs and cultural traditions. However, if they are able to talk with staff, if prison routines are explained to them, if their fears are addressed, and if they are allowed to find comfort in ways that are consistent with their tribal cultures, traditionalists will not become problems for correctional staff. For these reasons, it is important for correctional staff to learn an appreciation for Native American spiritual values and ceremonies. Indeed, a major problem faced by correctional staff in adult institutions is that the strategies they typically rely on to manage adult offenders are often ineffective when applied to children (Click, 1998). Next, a series of observations of the juvenile unit or "pod" were conducted, accompanied by semistructured interviews with line correctional staff and impromptu discussions with residents in the juvenile unit.

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